Despite the downright chilly, soggy weather on Sunday, Rob and I braved the elements to spend the day in Ann Arbor promoting The Healer of Guildenwood and celebrating the upcoming release of The Secret of the Hold. Thanks to everyone who came out to peruse all the bookfest’s offerings and especially to those who took the time to stop by my booth and express interest in The Soultrekker Chronicles. Meeting so many nice people who love to read made me forget about the cold, misty conditions. Then again, talking about my trilogy is one of my favorite things to do!

Again, I am very excited about the upcoming release of The Secret of the Hold, which will continue the story of Arwyn’s adventure in Bensor. I am working with a different publisher this time around and will soon unveil my book cover and a whole new look to my website. Change is good! And for all those new supporters who expressed interest in my books, I’m glad to have you along for the ride! As always, I welcome your feedback and would love to know what you think about Healer. And if you would like a free sneak peak of The Secret of the Hold, sign up for my email list under the “Newsletter” section of this website or let me know in the Comments section below.